Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Summer Garden

The vegetable garden is now into its second year and the fruit trees are doing well. Below is a couple of the large Montys Surprise apples that are hanging off our two year old tree. They are enormous and will not be ripe until March by which time they will be like saucers.

This is the tree weighed down by the fruit. Montys Surprise are known to have the highest level of cancer fighting properties in the skin and is of course a heritage variety.
Montys Surprise up close.

The bees are doing well and pollinating our plants.

My tomatoes are a mix of heritage such as Pink Brandywine that I grew from seeds saved three years ago, plums and hybrids.

This is another heritage apple with large fruit, Peas Nonsuchgood and again two years old.

I left last years leeks in the ground to supply plenty of food for the bees, but found that the bumbles also love the allium heads.
You might notice the peastraw everywhere, I bought 20 bales and it has proven to be a lifesaver for moisture retention. And despite my concern it does not blow around with the wind, however, with the very dry conditions the birds are kicking it out of the beds hunting for the worms below.

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